~Compétition de ballet~

2024 - 2025

Rules and Regulations

Schedule & Outline


Workshop & Variation Coaching with Evaluation

December 29th, 2024 (Sunday): 
Workshop & Variation Coaching with Evaluation

March 29th, 2025 (Saturday): 
Workshop & Variation Coaching with Evaluation

 *Schedules are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.


  Koko Plaza (Osaka Youth Center) :

1-13-13 Higashinakajima, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka


Convenient Location:
The competition venue is a conveniently located theater within a 3-minute walk from the East Exit of Shin-Osaka Station, minimizing travel and accommodation burdens for participants.

Nearest station:
About 5 minutes’ walk from the East Exit (south side) of Shin-Osaka Station on the JR Kyoto Line (Tokaido Line) About 10 minutes’ walk from the Central Ticket Gate of Shin-Osaka Station on the Midosuji Subway Line

Rules & Regulations

Application Start Date:

Applications are now open for all competition dates

Application Deadline :

Two weeks before each competition date*

*Applications will close once the maximum capacity is reached; applicants are encouraged to apply at their earliest convenience.

 Ballet Shoe Category (3 Groups):

Ages 5-6 Group / Grades 1-3 Group / Grades 4-5 Group

 Classical Category (4 Groups):

Grades 5-6 Group / Junior High School Group / High School Group / Senior Group (up to 30 years old)
*Female dancers in the Classical Division will be evaluated en pointe.

 Modern & Contemporary Category (5 Groups):

Grades 1-3 Group / Grades 4-6 Group / Junior High School Group / High School Group / Senior Group (no age limit)

*Participants can choose to perform either an Assigned Piece (A or B, depending on age) or a free variation.

 Ensemble Category (1 Group):

Participants may perform any genre of piece, without age restrictions.
Performances must be under 5 minutes.

 Universal Category (5 Groups):

Grades 1-3 / Grades 4-6 / Junior High School / High School / Senior (no age limit)
*Any genre
*Applicants who wish to enter multiple pieces, or wish to enter pieces outside of the guidelines of other categories, may apply to this category. Participants requiring clarification on which category applies to them should contact us directly by phone or email.

Please Note:

Ages 5-6 Group: DOB on 2 Apr.2018 - 1 Apr 2019
    Grades 1-3 Group: DOB on 2 Apr.2015 - 1 Apr 2018
    Grades 4-5 Group: DOB on 2 Apr 2013 - 1 Apr 2015

Grades 5-6 Group: : DOB on 2 Apr.2012 - 1 Apr 2014
    Junior High School Group: DOB on 2 Apr.2009 - 1 Apr 2012
    High School Group : Group: DOB on 2 Apr.2006 -1 Apr 2009

All categories are open to applicants of all nationalities, whether residing inside or outside of Japan.

Participants in the Classical Category can enter up to two pieces.

Participants in the Contemporary Category can enter one assigned piece and up to two free variations.

The performance order for all Categories and Groups will be determined by a random computer selection, with male and female dancers mixed together.

The Universal Category welcomes pieces from any genre, including but not limited to classical variations, folk dances, and other dance styles. If you are unsure about dancing on pointe (for example, 5th or 6th graders, junior high school students, or beginners of any age), or if you are learning ballet for musical theater auditions or acting auditions and find it difficult to perform a variation on pointe, please feel free to participate in the Universal Category in ballet shoes.

APPLICATION FEES Discounts apply for multiple category applications, see below
 Ballet Shoe Category:

28,000 JPY (tax included)

 Classic Category:

28,000 JPY (tax included)

 Modern & Contemporary Category:

28,000 JPY (tax included)

 Ensemble Category:

35,000 JPY (tax included) plus 5,000 JPY (tax included) per each participant beyond the first

 Universal Category:

28,000 JPY (tax included)


7,500 JPY (tax included)

 Private Coaching for Elemantary School (15 mins) and Middle School or older (20 mins) students:

8,500 JPY (tax included)

 Scholarship Evaluation Fee:

3,000 JPY (tax included)

 Stage Video Recording (per variation):

2,000 JPY (tax included)

 July 15th Workshop / Private Coaching Viewing Fees (beyond 1 instructor):

3,000 JPY (tax included)

Please Note:

The fees listed above apply per each individual entry. When transferring payment, please transfer all fees (e.g. the workshop tuition, private coaching fee, scholarship evaluation fee if desired, and stage video recording fee) along with the evaluation fee in a single transfer. In the "Remarks" section of the online application form, please indicate whether you would like to participate in both the workshop and private coaching, only one, or neither.

For participants entering multiple Categories (excluding the Ensemble Division), the participation fee will be 48,000 JPY for two Categories and 68,000 JPY for three Categories.

 Participation fees are non-refundable, including when participants have personal reasons for non-participation. Refunds will only be issued if the competition is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Competition Evaluation

 During Stage Rehearsal:

Judges may assess qualities such as potential, aptitude, and initiative during stage rehearsals. Instructors are welcome to provide guidance from the audience during this time.

 During Evaluation:

Variation costume and natural makeup should be worn for the evaluation. As the evaluation also serves as the scholarship selection process, judges need to see participants' natural appearance. Please note: stage makeup and body makeup are prohibited and will disqualify participants from the evaluation.

 After the Performance:

There will be no curtain call after performances. Participants should exit the stage promptly after finishing their variation.


The evaluation will be conducted by a panel of judges. The judges may vary depending on the date of the competition. In cases where judges are overseas, remote evaluation will be conducted.


In the Ballet Shoe and Contemporary Categories, evaluations will be conducted of male and female dancers together. In the Classical Category, evaluations will be separated by gender. Awards will be given for 1st to 10th place. The Potential Award will be given for 11th to 20th place, and The Encouragement Award will be given for 21st to 30th place. Note that the range of awards may be adjusted depending on the number of participants and their results in each division.


The final ranking will be determined by the judges' consensus based on the total evaluation scores. No requests for re-evaluation will be accepted.

 Announcement of Awards:

The results will be announced on our official Instagram page and our website within a few days after the competition. There will be no awards ceremony at the venue on the day of the competition.

Participation Benefits

 Judge Feedback:

All participants will receive judge feedback (on an "advice sheet") and a certificate of participation. After the evaluation, participants may collect their advice sheets and CDs submitted for the evaluation at the reception desk.

 Recommendations for Selected Participants:

Judges will select some participants for recommendations to domestic and international ballet academies, workshops, competitions, training programs, and company auditions/contracts. Those participants selected for recommendations will be announced on our official Instagram page and our website within a few days after the competition.

 Special Award:

As a special award, Mr. Vadim Pisarev, the Director of WBAC Grand Prix, will consider selecting participants for the WBAC Japan preliminary and final rounds at each evaluation.



The performance schedule and order of appearance for participants will be sent via email from the organizing committee one week before the event in PDF format. Please download and refer to the PDF file. Any changes to the schedule will be announced at the reception desk on the day of the event.

 Makeup Preparation:

Please arrive at the venue with your natural makeup applied and hair accessories in place. Due to the venue's regulations, please refrain from using the sinks for makeup removal after your performance. Instead, kindly use makeup remover wipes.

 Use of Dressing Rooms and Rehearsal Studios:

Only participants and instructors are allowed in the dressing rooms and rehearsal studios. If a participant requires support and does not have an accompanying instructor or chaperone, please contact the organizing committee. Due to venue regulations, eating and drinking (except for water) are prohibited in the dressing rooms and rehearsal studios. As dustbin space is limited, participants are asked to take all trash and personal belongings when leaving.

 Entering and Exiting:

Participants are asked to practice and rehearse in the rehearsal studio within the designated time frame and to exit promptly after their performance.


If you are unable to participate due to injury, illness, or other reasons, please notify the organizing committee via email. Please note that participation fees cannot be refunded in such cases.

 Stage Video Recording::

Grande fête does not sell stage photos. However, our staff will be recording video of all performances for scholarship evaluation purposes. This video footage will be available to those who request it.

Please note that we will only send video files once; please take care to provide a Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, or other email address with sufficient storage capacity.


 Application Form:

Please apply via the application form on our website.
After an application is submitted, an automatic confirmation email will be sent to both the applicant and the organizing committee. If you do not receive the automatic confirmation email after applying, please contact us by Email at grandefete2021@gmail.com.

 Payment of Fees:

Please complete payment of all applicable fees within 3 business days (excl. Sat, Sun, and Holidays) after submitting an application. Please note that applicants are responsible for bank transfer fees. The name on the bank transfer should be the participant's name.

Please Note:

Once you have submitted your application and received the confirmation email from the organizing committee, you are obligated to pay the participation fee.

 Ballet Shoes and Classic Categories:

Performance music should be 3 minutes or less.

 Modern & Contemporary and Universal Categories:

Performance music, and the duration of the entire piece must be 3 minutes or less. This includes any time spent setting up props or apparatus, from the start to the end of the performance. If participants wish to use props, please inform the organizing committee at the time of application.

 Ensemble Category:

Performance music, and the duration of the entire piece must be 5 minutes or less. This includes any time spent setting up props or apparatus, from the start to the end of the performance. If participants wish to use props, please inform the organizing committee at the time of application.

 Performance Music CD:

For submission, participants must prepare one CD containing only one track, with the playback starting at 0 minutes and 0 seconds. Label the CD with the Category, participant name, the piece's title, entrance side (stage right/stage left), and sound cue (music starts before entering, music starts on stage, or specific cue). Place the CD in a plastic case and submit it at the reception desk on the day of the competition.

  Sound Cue Timing:

Participants should inform the audio staff of their preferred sound cue timing at the reception desk on the day of the competition. The stage manager will confirm the cue timing with each participant during stage rehearsals.

  Backup Performance Music CD:

We recommend participants prepare one backup CD with the same music and labeling as the original. You do not need to submit the backup CD.

Please Note:

Participants in the Modern & Contemporary Category may choose between an Assigned Piece and a free variation.

Exceeding the specified time limit in any category will result in disqualification.

For pieces where copyright applies to the music or choreography, it is the participant's responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions for use beforehand.

Requests to change submitted variations must be made no later than 10 days before the competition date. No changes will be accepted after the deadline, regardless of reason.


We will be offering workshops (masterclasses) and private coaching before the competition evaluation. We highly recommend participating in these sessions, especially if you are interested in applying for scholarships. The evaluation (variation) alone may not be sufficient for the judges to assess your full potential, and you may miss out on scholarship opportunities. Additionally, these workshops and coaching sessions provide a unique opportunity for growth and new insights, as they offer a different learning experience compared to your regular classes.

 Private Coaching Details:

Duration: Elementary School Students (15 minutes), Junior High and Older (20 minutes)
Attire: There are no specific requirements for leotard style or color, nor is a number bib required during private coaching sessions.

Please Note:

Observation of workshops and private coaching is permitted for one instructor only. For each additional observer (including parents), a viewing fee of 3,000 JPY will be charged.

Regarding Modern & Contemporary Category Assigned Pieces

Contemporary dance is now incorporated into the repertoire of many ballet companies and is a mandatory subject in renowned ballet academies. Our competition has established a Modern & Contemporary Category to deepen understanding and promote skills that are applicable internationally. By giving Assigned Pieces choreographed by Ms. Mia Tomano, we hope to encourage those who have not had the opportunity to experience contemporary dance to take on this new challenge.

 Optional Ms. Mia Tomano Works:

If participants are new to contemporary dance, they should choose from either Assigned Piece A or B for their performance. If they have previous experience with the Assigned Pieces or other contemporary dance works by different choreographers, participants may also opt to enter with Mia Tomano's works "Prelude" or "Untitled2(Figures)".

 Message from Choreographer Ms. Mia Tomano:

I would be delighted if these pieces can be an opportunity for young dancers without much previous exposure to perform a contemporary piece. I hope this will be a valuable learning experience for them, not only in terms of technique but also in terms of expression and discovering new physicality.

The set pieces were created with beginners in mind, so both A and B are combinations of fairly basic and fundamental enchainements. They are more focused on the elements of enchainements than on being complete works. For those who will be taking part in domestic and international competitions after Grande Fete, I hope you choose to challenge yourselves with more complex pieces.

Please Note:

For participants choosing to perform an Assigned Piece, participants in Grades 1-5 should select Assigned Piece B. Participants in Grade 6 through the Senior Group may choose either Assigned Piece A or B.

Private Coaching applications will close once they reach full capacity. Please apply for both Private Coaching and Workshops as early as possible.

Our staff will be recording video of all performances for scholarship evaluation purposes. If participants wish for a copy of their recording, please ensure to request one on the day of the competition.

For scholarship selection purposes, there may be instances where video recordings of barre and center work are required. In such cases, the instructor in charge will contact you individually after the selection process on behalf of Grande Fete.

Participants who are only participating in the Modern & Contemporary and Universal Categories are also welcome to apply for scholarship evaluation.


These pieces are intended for dancers in grade 6 and above. As dancers at this age typically have established technique, the enchainement emphasizes physicality and the precision of movement. Enjoy the music and dance with full energy, fully committing to each movement.

Modern & Contemporary Category Assigned Piece A:

For Assigned Piece A, the female dancers depicted have performed the choreography faithfully, so please learn the choreography just as they dance it. The male dancers depicted have developed the expression and physicality of the piece in a more dynamic way, so please familiarize yourself with the choreography first before using the male dancers depicted for inspiration.

For costumes, please wear something that clearly shows the lines of your body, such as a leotard and tights (black or colored), so that your physicality is easily visible during the enchainements. You may choose to dance barefoot or in ballet shoes.

Modern & Contemporary Category Assigned Piece B:

For this piece, imagine finding something you love and dancing with it, expressing joy and lightheartedness in your movement. For your costume, please wear a leotard with a flowing skirt, such as a wrap skirt. There are no specific requirements for color or shape. You may choose to wear tights, leggings, or dance barefoot or in ballet shoes.


If participants are seeking recommendations for studying abroad at an academy (scholarship or admission) or for a company audition, they should email the required information (see below) to the organizing committee after submitting their applications to Grande Fete.
 About the Participant:

 About the Participant:

1. Category
2. Full Name (Kanji) / Full Name (Romanized)
3. Date of Birth (Year/Month/Day) & Age
4. Postal Code & Address
5. Contact Information: Mobile Phone Number / Email Address
6. Height
7. What are your future career goals?
8. Are you currently attending or planning to attend an overseas ballet school this year?
9. Are you interested in summer or year-round programs?
10. If you pass the scholarship selection evaluation, please upload the video recording of your performance to YouTube (with your entry number and Romanized name in the description) and send the URL to the organizing committee.

 About the Participant's Instructor:
1. Studio Name / Instructor's Name
2. Email Address

 Please Note:

*We recommend that those who wish to be considered for scholarships or other selections participate in the workshops or private coaching sessions led by the judges responsible for the selection process.

*Participants who are only competing in the Modern & Contemporary or Universal Categories are also welcome to apply for scholarship evaluation.


うらわ まこと

Makoto Urawa Dance Critic

今村 博明

Hiroaki Imamura General Director, Ballet Chambre Ouest

久保 紘一

Koichi Kubo Artistic Director,
NBA Ballet Company
Sergiy Savoschenko. Chairman, Sergey Savchenko Ballet Art Group (NPO)


Vadym Dulepa WBAC Grand Prix Founder and
Artistic Director

苫野 美亜

Mia Tomano Dancer/Choreographer
Nikolay Viyuzhanin Dancer/Choreographer

小山 久美

Kumi Oyama Managing Director

島﨑 徹

Toru Shimazaki Choreographer and Professor
Kobe Jogakuin University

橋本 清香

Kiyoka Hashimoto Principal
Vienna State Ballet

陳 鳳景

Chen Feng Jing Former Dancer Momoko Tani Ballet Company
Special Instructor, Momoko Tani Ballet Company
Aleksandr Buber Former the Principal of the National Academic Bolshoi Theater of the Republic of Belarus

Scholarships/Admissions/Invitations/Schools/Ballet Companies (Tentative)


English National Ballet School

Those with a strong possibility of passing the Summer Intensive audition may be selected for a scholarship, which will cover the academy's audition registration fee. A photo submission is required for the Summer Intensive audition. Those selected will also receive a discount on the application support fee.


Elmhurst Ballet School

Those with a strong possibility of passing the Summer Intensive audition may be selected for a scholarship, which will cover the academy's audition registration fee. A photo submission is required for the Summer Intensive audition. Those selected will also receive a discount on the application support fee.


The Dutch National Ballet Academy

Selection for Participation Eligibility in the Dutch National Ballet Academy Summer Intensive


Le Temps Lié

Selection for Paris Opera Ballet School Summer School Application Fee Discount


Ecole Superieure de Danse de Cannes Rosella Hightower

We are recruiting for those who can participate in the Spring and Summer programs! We will support you with your Summer application etc. from the secretariat. We will also select scholarship recipients for application fee discounts.

Ballet Company:


Exemption from Training Fees for Studio Company (Trainees) and Permission to Join as a Member

Ballet Company:


Ballet Company:

Ballet Chambre Ouest

Eligibility to Participate in the Ballet Shamble West Audition


WBAC Grandprix

Selections for Full Waiver of Participation Fees (10,000 JPY) for WBAC Japan Semi-Finals (Nagoya).


International Dance Talent Competition Italy

Workshop Tuition
Selected participants will receive a discount on the gala concert performance fee.


ELITE Ballet Workshop

Recommendation to the Romania Academy.

Apply Now

Click here to apply for competitions.